Our Blogs

Backup Postgres to Google Drive

Backup Postgres to Google Drive

By Naveen Nirban Yadav|August 31, 2024

I have been trying to backup my database to somewhere because the servers I’ve been working on are not that reliable (Oracle ones🥲) so I thought of why not to Google Drive. Here I have started my R&D.

Django ADFS SSO Integration(Nginx+Django)

Django ADFS SSO Integration(Nginx+Django)

By Naveen Nirban Yadav|February 3, 2024

When I started doing it, it seem easy just to handpick a library and some config and all set, but…but when I attempted it sucked my brain. Too much technical jargons and configuration with names that as a Django developer you rarely hear. After all I am done over it, and thought that despite having so much content if I suffered difficulty, it might happen with someone else too. So lets understand each and every part of it easily with things that we need to take care of.

Setup GCP Service Account for FCM

Setup GCP Service Account for FCM

By Naveen Nirban Yadav|September 22, 2023

I have setup push notifications in different app server over the period of last six years starting from flutter to android. Believe me, I still forgets from where I need to go to start. I may sound silly, but google/firebase didn’t taken care of developer’s experience in this part.🫣

Scheduling Python script using Crontab

Scheduling Python script using Crontab

By Naveen Nirban Yadav|May 31, 2023

Scheduling tasks, jobs or scripts is itself such a hectic task which involves understanding of environments, subshells, crontab, bash, message queues, workers and so on. Some of us might have scratch their heads while incorporating with crontab as it is really hard sometimes to schedule a script. So lets not waste the time & jump into it.

Uuid4 in Django User Model

Uuid4 in Django User Model

By Naveen Nirban Yadav|May 20, 2022

This article provides logical & code level go through to implement UUID4 instead of simple incremental id in Django’s default User model. This becomes too necessary while using backend logics where we expose User Id in some ways like JWT authentication or any other token authentication. In some cases, we may in situation to expose some other User Ids due to business logic & that can really cause some time a lot of damage. So go, crack the code.